Safety Tips

  • Do not allow strangers in your room.
  • Keep your room locked and whenever possible, use your own lock.
  • Keep your passport, money, flight tickets, jewellery, etc. locked.
  • Be careful of pickpockets when you are in a crowded place.
  • Do not leave your camera or belongings unattended.
  • Always drink bottled or reliably filtered water. Filtered water is available at our ISKCON temple. Recycle water bottles or dispose of them responsibly.
  • Be aware (and alert!) that the monkeys in Vrindavan are very mischievous. They steal glasses and mobile phones, even if you are in a rickshaw.
  • In the event of illness, contact a doctor immediately.
  • Do not bathe alone in the Yamuna River. Go with a group. Even if you are a good swimmer, do not venture into deep water.