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Welcome to ISKCON Indore

Sri Sri Radha Govind Temple

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Dev Uthani Ekadashi (Tue,12 Nov 2024)

Gita Jayanti (Wed, 11 Dec, 2024)

Guar Purnima

Temple Construction: Donate One Sq.ft.

“Mortals who help to construct a temple of Lord Vishnu do not return to this world, they return to the abode of Lord Vishnu” - Padma Purana.
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Anna-Dan Seva: Food Relief

Join our “Free meal” project and serve prasadam (sanctified food). Enjoy the taste of pure vegetarian food and the grace of the Lord.
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Sri Krishna Janmashtami Festival Appeal 2024

Let’s celebrate Janmashtami by sharing Lord Krishna’s blessings through the distribution of sanctified food.
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Ratha Yatra Utsav 2024

Ratha Yatra, the Festival of Chariots of Lord Jagannatha is celebrated every year at Puri, On the Car Festival day, the deities are taken out of the temple...
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There is a very beautiful temple of Sri Sri Radha Govind ji under construction at ISKCCON Indore. It can easily accommodate over 1000 devotees for darshan. Lord Krishna is giving us an opportunity to become a part of this project.

“On building a temple of Sri Madhav one can attain the eternal Vaikunthaloka” — Vamana Purana.

“Having acquired wealth and built a temple with a small portion of it, a person acquires piety and gains favors from Hari.” — Agni Purana.

Srila Prabhupada said,

“Charity should only be given to propagate Krishna Consciousness all over the world.”​

No matter small or big, Krishna sees your Heart, whether you want to serve him or not.